Monday, February 15, 2010

NeVeR GiVe Up!

Have you ever given your all to something, experienced disappointments , and given up?

"Never give up on something that you can't
go a day without thinking about."


I felt it when the result that I want aren't coming to me as quickly as I'd like, despite the fact that I bust my butt to see results? Then, I start to doubt myself, my skills and my talent , my ability to succeed. Sometimes I wonder why I tried so hard, study until midnight but yet my friends who is more relax than we get higher than me. How stupid I am when I think about it. Are you sometimes felt the same way as I did?

For sure I'm not the only one.I remembered when things got really tough and not enough time to do all the things that we have to do. It seemed like I want to quit studying and be at my home sweet home. And then something happened when I watched this video :

My eyes started welled up in tears. I stop and think a while and stood silently and made a commitment to myself. I was never going to give up. I was going to do what it took to success of this thing & the rest is history.....

Quotes to keep your enthusiasm even when things get through : -

" Most on the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying
when there seemed to be no hope at all."

- Dale Carnegie-

Lastly, my advice for me to all who read my post are when things go wrong as they sometimes will, rest if you must but do not surrender. Success is failure turned inside out & you can never tell how close you are. It may seems so far. So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit! Lots of love.

1 comment:

zIhA. said...

i stuju tol...
never give up..